OQSL is closed
Midway 2009
Your QSL card is not required. A list of your QSOs in the order you worked us by date is all that is needed for us to answer your QSL request. PLEASE make the writing large, clear and readable.
QSL requests that are received without an SAE or return postage will be answered via the bureau.
Requests for individual cards for each band/mode QSO will be accomodated after the bulk processing is completed.
All QSOs have been uploaded to LOTW
Several shipments a year will take place.
You are visitor number:QSL ROUTES:
Box 333
Bethlehem, Georgia
30620-9989 If you send IRCs that expire December 31, 2009 your QSL will be answered via the bureau.
All direct QSL requests must contain a self addressed envelope (SAE or SASE) and sufficient return postage or NEW (not expired) IRCs.
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Last updated 18 June 2010