Press Release Number 8 March 26, 2009
The K4M team is happy to announce that approximately 5000 QSLs were mailed on March 26th. This represents QSL requests received by March 15th. Those received after March 15th are being processed daily.
QSLs mailed included those received via regular mail and OQSL. The OQSL feature will continue to be available for approximately 3 more months.
QSLs received that have problems such as "Not in Log", incorrect postage, no postage, no SAE, expired IRCs, separate card request, or any other issue have not been mailed and are being processed.
Bureau QSLs will be mailed at some point in the future after the major amount of direct requests are processed.
We have set up a special Email request feature at to answer any inquiries. Please don't inquire until April 15th to allow us to process most all requests on hand. As such we will not answer any inquires before that date.
The K4M QSL Management team.